B N Balance Turbines are uniquely designed to capture more energy
than present technology (min. 35% at present testing), catch power at slower
speeds, run more quietly and are safer to wildlife and fish. This unique
design allows the turbine to fill numerous markets that are currently
untapped, as detailed in the following information.
The "saying bigger is better" has left whole markets wide open to green energy sources. However current turbines are not feasible for use in these arenas. One, ready-made market for our turbine, is as supplemental energy generation in urban areas. Placements are at point-of-use, and can be affixed to light poles, power poles, water towers, buildings, houses, streams, rivers, channels, tidal flows, water reclamation plants and towers, and integrated into standing trees on parkways. Point of use urban areas that large turbine companies cannot approach because of noise, size and the damage they do to wildlife, can be fitted with the BNBES turbine. Benefits to rural scenery can improve, and line losses minimized. Fewer infrastructures would be necessary as compared to rural wind farms. Although coal is still the base energy source, the levels of this use can approach more appropriate levels.
We are looking forward to organizations/corporations that will
become actively involved in helping to move this completely new
technology forward, thus benefiting corporations, engineering, employment
and the ecological green economy.